Key Reasons to Stay in

Churchill implored his correspondents to keep their messages short. This site tries to do the same as we debate the merits of remaining part of the The European Union. The marriage analogy used elsewhere is a useful one. Being part of the European Union is like a marriage.  We give up some of our independence for a better, happier existence that hopefully brings children into the world.  It costs money, it is not always what it is cracked up to be and it can be full of frustration at times. But with hard work, good communication and flexibility on both sides, it can and does work, the whole world over.  That's why I think we should remain part of the European Union, and recommend that you vote to Remain in the EU.

Here I try and expand on this in two streams; first the EU, then marriage!

European Union

1. The idea that we are stronger on our own is nonsense. Whilst I can see the theoretical attraction of 'regaining sovereignty' it will diminish our power rather than strengthen it.  We cannot keep harking back to 'golden times' long ago. Much of our current strength has been been built being part of the EU.

2. Business is tough enough. Brexit will complicate it 100x over. We may be the worlds 5th largest economy, however when you look at the detail of that and exclude areas such as finance and oil, our true position is much clearer.

3. The cost and complexity of Brexit is unbearable for our economy at this point. The lawyers are the only winners.

4. 'Bigger' is stronger and more efficient - we may not like it, but it is invariably true. The EU is not perfect, but it will not go away if Britain leaves. Let's keep talking shall we?

5. The case seems to be building (erroneously in my view) that somehow we will 'gain control of our borders' and stop migrants coming into the UK to 'steal' jobs and scarce resources. This is just wrong on so many levels. In time I intend to devote a whole page to it.


1. Whilst there are scores of successful single people, whether they are a parent or not, doing a great job, there's not many that do it truly alone or at least don't wish for a partner or other support to help out in the tough times. I'm a strong believer in communities working together.

2. Marriage is tough.  Divorce is tougher. And despite what we may feel the kids always suffer.  Of course divorce can work for the best in some circumstances, but are we REALLY saying we've tried hard enough to keep it together?

3. Divorce is expensive. The lawyers are the only winners.

4. A marriage with strong friends supporting it is the best way to survive in a tough world. Let's keep talking shall we?

5. In a strong relationship there is always room for more visitors and friends.